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Fundraising Opportunities

Links to ways to apply for funding for your space.

Welsh Government - Direct Food Support

The Welsh Government has provided Welsh local authorities with funding to help community food organisations to meet the needs of an increased number of people facing food poverty. This includes capital funding which can be used in a variety of ways, for example but not limited to, purchasing fridges, freezers and cooking equipment. The revenue funding can be used to support voluntary organisations, community groups and housing associations etc. to develop or strengthen projects such as social supermarkets, community cafes, lunch clubs and community cookery classes. The funding should support community food organisations to purchase additional supplies of good quality food and essential goods, boosting their capacity to meet the needs of their customers. Organisations wishing to access the funding should approach their local authority.

Welsh Communities Together Grants Programme

The Welsh Government Communities Together grants programme is due to reopen for applications. It provides small grants to community organisations which are helping to support people through the cost of living. More information about the grant criteria can be found on the button below.
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Welsh Communities Income Maximisation

Welsh Government Communities are currently running their fourth benefits take up campaign, Here to Help which is running until the end of March and is helping people to access the financial support they are entitled to.
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